What is Animal Communication? Animal Bridges Explains

What is animal communication? Elaine Garley of Animal Bridges explained animal communication to the National Association of Professional Women’s Minneapolis Chapter on August 10, 2016.

Twenty NAPW members listened as Elaine explained what is animal communication.  She also explained how people “hear” the animals. Many animal communicators receive telepathic messages in the form of pictures. Most pet parents just “know” when their best friend is hungry, needs to go outside, or is sick. As children, many of us spoke with animals and “imaginary friends.”

Elaine hears a running conversation in her head. She describes it like talking on the phone. She also feels pain and experiences the animal’s emotion. Sometimes she has tears running down her face.

Like the car radio, animal communication is energy and can travel around the world. Elaine describes it like tuning into an old car radio before digital radios. Since she hears the conversation so quickly, she creates a transcript and emails it to the pet parent.

To explain what is animal communication, Elaine shared how she became an animal communicator. She started Animal Bridges, her business, in 2007. Since stories explain it best, she shared of the animals’ conversations. She read parts of the animals’ transcripts so the group could “hear” the animal’s words.

One of Elaine’s favorite communications came early in her practice. She says, “My imagination is not this good.” Carmella, the yellow lab, was licking herself and everything. Her pet parent wanted to know why. The story surprised many in the room.

Tommie, a cat, had a urinary tract infection due to stress. Elaine shared his story and what was upsetting him.

Chatul, a cat living in South African, was over grooming. She shared with Elaine her fear and the reason she was over grooming. After the communication, Chatul stopped the excessive grooming.

To explain some of her additional services, Elaine shared two more animal stories.

She told how energy work helped a dog in Florida 24 hours after surgery. Rafa, a 10-month old Lab, ate a nut about the size of a golf ball. It caused a blockage resulting in the emergency surgery. The vet was concerned why he wasn’t improving 24 hours later.

Elaine concluded by talking about Andy, a mini-Doxie. He was so terrified of thunderstorms that he would tremble. Andy also had congestive heart failure. She taught Andy’s pet parent about Tellington TTouch Method®, a combination of touch and movement. Elaine related how Andy reacted to a violent thunderstorm after their session.

Elaine loves to share her knowledge and experience with groups. Do you know a group looking for a speaker, please contact Elaine of Animal Bridges.

2 Replies to “What is Animal Communication? Animal Bridges Explains”

  1. I believe in you my dog had a stomache and I just keep rubbing his stomac and he after about an hourstopped looking like he was in pain he couldn’t lie down every time he did he would get back up so I figured it was his stomach. he must have eated something that was in pain. The rubbing was good for him he feel fine after..

    1. Carol, I highly recommend you take you dog to the vet today. He seems to be in a lot of pain and it can be very serious. Since it is Saturday morning, call your vet immediately. Otherwise please consider taking him to the emergency clinic. I’m not a vet. I am concerned about your dog.

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