Hot Weather Pet Tips

Most of the United States and Europe has extreme heat some days. It affects our cats, dogs, all animals, and people!

We know to drink water, be in the shade, keep your house cool, and go out during the cool parts of the day. We have the responsibility for our cats, dogs, all animals, and people we can help.

In the Phoenix, Arizona area, temps are record breaking at 116 degrees and higher!

The Arizona Burn Center director, Kevin Foster, said “External surface temperatures can reach 180 degrees Fahrenheit, and deep cutaneous burns can happen with only brief contact. Exposure often occurs in patients with impairments that prevent them from quickly removing themselves from such contact, leading to severe injury.”

The surface temperatures are causing second and third degree burns in seconds. Several toddlers accidentally stepped on pavement and immediately screamed. These burns come from falling on pavement and getting up! Even a hot metal gate can quickly burn you or your pet. Now think of your dogs and other pets!

Easy Hot Weather Pet Tips

Here are easy tips for you and your pet!

Walk them in the shade or early in the morning and evening and drive them to shady parks. I’ve taught Gizmo to walk in my shadow in front or behind me. Check out these hot weather tips for pets.

On extreme weather days, go outside with your pet. Be sure they have shade and water. If it’s too hot for you, it is too hot for them too! Please be safe.

Gizmo, my Wheaten Terrier, is a shade diver. He won’t move out of the shade. Gizmo’s GF Cooling Jacket is the perfect answer. When I put it on him, he will walk in the hot temperatures. GF also has cooling pad, neck backs, and more.

My friend uses this white coat for black dog. Agility dogs wear it too! The company has a different type of cooling jacket.

Know the signs of heat stroke in dogs!

Be safe and have a wonderful summer. It will be over too soon!