Stunned Goldfinch Was Helped With TTouch®

goldfinchHere’s the story of how even a stunned goldfinch was helped with TTouch®. On a warm February day, Boomer, the Wheaten Terrier, and I walked towards our back porch after a beautiful walk in the neighborhood. While on leash, Boomer ran up the back sidewalk and to the porch steps. He went within two feet of a goldfinch on the ground. The goldfinch was on its feet and crouched to the ground. I realized it probably hit the porch windows and was stunned.

I crouched down and out loud, quietly told the bird, “I will not hurt you.” I very slowly touched the bird with my gloved finger. Using the TTouch® philosophy of mindfulness, cooperation, and respect, I slowly moved one finger from the bird’s head to its tail. Its wing tips were crossed on its back. Then I waited. About two minutes later it said “Thanks” telepathically through animal communication and flew away.

I stayed crouched for a few minutes to take in the beauty and peace of the moment. Even Hobbes waited quietly. Thank you Goldfinch for letting me touch and talk to you.


  • Does your pet have pain or act scared sometimes?
  • Ever wish you could tell her something she would understand?
  • Wish you knew what he was thinking?

Every people/pet team has unique needs. Often, a combination of approaches will serve both the client and the pet best. It really depends on each individual animal and person’s needs. All methods are gentle and loving.

Each session is as unique as your pet and each session with your pet can be unique from her previous sessions.

It’s easy to set up your sessions, just contact me here or call me at 612-237-9580. I’m happy to help you explore the options and find the best solution for your unique situation.

“Elaine has been very helpful and supportive since my adoption of a very anxious dog. Her TTouch sessions and ongoing communication has helped us both. She has great suggestions and is very responsive to my frantic calls.” – Lynnea Forness, Minneapolis, MN