Podcast with Founder of Tellington TTouch and Animal Bridges

Elaine Garley of Animal Bridges joined Sage Lewis’ Pet Playground radio show with the founder of

Hobbes with Linda Tellington-Jones

Hobbes with Linda Tellington-Jones

Tellington TTouch®, Linda Tellington- Jones. Over 40 years ago, Linda Tellington-Jones, a highly acclaimed animal expert, developed Tellington TTouch®, “a gentle approach to influencing behavior, health, and performance.”

On April 5, 2010, Sage, Linda, and Elaine discussed TTouch and shared wonderful stories. They had just spent a three-day weekend in TTouch Advanced Training. My dog Hobbes, the wheaten terrier, was sleeping in the studio since he attended the training too.

Come join the fun at the Pet Playground and listen to the show!


  • Does your pet have pain or act scared sometimes?
  • Ever wish you could tell her something she would understand?
  • Wish you knew what he was thinking?

Every people/pet team has unique needs. Often, a combination of approaches will serve both the client and the pet best. It really depends on each individual animal and person’s needs. All methods are gentle and loving.

Each session is as unique as your pet and each session with your pet can be unique from her previous sessions.

It’s easy to set up your sessions, just contact me here or call me at 612-237-9580. I’m happy to help you explore the options and find the best solution for your unique situation.

“Elaine has been very helpful and supportive since my adoption of a very anxious dog. Her TTouch sessions and ongoing communication has helped us both. She has great suggestions and is very responsive to my frantic calls.” – Lynnea Forness, Minneapolis, MN

“I will always remember Tuesday, February 25th, about 24 hours post surgery. Our puppy was failing. We spoke by phone, Minnesota to Florida. From the time you began your healing touch [Healing Touch for Animals®] with RAFA, I could see him improve. He stopped vomiting, he started moving, he started to pee a lot! You told me how to massage his ears [Tellington TTouch®Ear Slides]. The doctor and nurse in his intensive care clinic were amazed at his improvement. The doctors and nurses the next morning were amazed at his improvement. You were always there for what was best for our puppy.” –Patsy, Florida