Is your pet prepared for your vacation, business trip, or family emergency?

SuitcasesHopefully you have time to plan your vacation or business trip. What if your phone rings with a family emergency and you must leave within a day. Are you ready for these situations? Who will care for your pet? Do you know what to pack for your pet?

Maybe your cat or dog stays with friends. What if they are not available? Do you have a plan?

Here are some ideas to help you plan for your pet:

  • Put your cell phone number on your pet’s tag.  I realized a week before taking my dog on vacation his tag wasn’t up to date. Boomerang Tags impressed me with their fast service. I had the new tag within days.
  • Write down your pet’s information including what she eats and when, sleep habits, daily routine including number of walks, emergency numbers,  vet name and phone number, medication including dosage, familiar commands (what word do you say for him to lie down), etc.
  • Include your travel plans in your pet’s information (see above). Include your return flight information and all contact information.
  • If your pet has special needs (i.e., medical, mobility, fears of storms), what is the best way to help the dog, cat, or rabbit?
  • Is your dog more comfortable at a kennel or at a home? Know your options include family or friends, kennel, house sitter, or at a pre-approved private home like Pets Are Inn. My dog stayed with Pets Are Inn because he loves his crate but does not do well in kennels.
  • Is your kennel or pet sitter licensed, bonded, and insured?
  • Be sure your cat or dog’s vaccinations are current as required by law or by facility’s rules. If your pet has a compromised immune system, does it allow titers, the level of antibodies in a blood sample instead of a vaccine?
  • Is your pet picked up or do you need to take the pet to the lodging facility during specific hours? Can you drop off and pick up your dog seven days a week and holidays?
  • What are all the costs at the facility? Is play time additional? What are the additional fees?
  • Do you have a backup plan if your facility is full?

Once you decide where your pet is staying, here are tips for getting her ready for the “their vacation.”

  • Tell him you are leaving and will be back – give the specific day! Be sure to tell them who is taking care of them. Many of my clients comment how calmer their cats and dogs are with an animal communication prior to trip.
  • Pack a dirty piece of your clothing in her bag. Your scent will help calm her.
  • Pack enough food, treats, and food/water bowls. Be sure to label how much they get at a meal or for a treat. I always provide more food in case I’m delayed.
  • Pack their favorite toys.
  • Pack their leash, harness, etc.
  • Depending on weather, pack her jacket or sweater if she wears it.
  • Pack any special equipment like a Thundershirt™ that helps calm cats and dogs.
  • Pack a copy of your pet’s information sheet (see above) and your travel plans in their bag.
  • Now exhale, relax, and have a great trip!

Remember Animal Bridges is here to help you and your pet have the best lives possible!