Helping You and Your Pets

When I am helping your pets and you, I’m amazed how I’m working with all phases of the pet’s life. These are recent examples of where the animals and people take me.

Cats in Los Angeles Live New Lives

In an apartment complex, several families adopted the feral cats who were living outside. These wonderful neighbors worked with the local Trap-Neuter-Release program. After the cats were released back to the neighborhood, the neighbors slowly took the cats into their homes.

All three families had issues with the cats not using the litter boxes. Their apartments were a mess cause of litter box issues. They were panicked. Quickly I said I can help you and your pets!

I coached the first family to clean up the cat urine. To help the cats and their people, I used animal communications and energy work to use the litter box. The other families saw the success, and I repeated the process with each household. The wonderful news is all the cats are now using their litter boxes.

From the same apartment complex, another woman was moving from Los Angeles to New York City with her cat. I explained the trip to her cat in animal communication and a week later the cat flew with her person to New York.

I received an email, “She’s doing SO well. Thank you so much for your work. I truly do believe it made a difference. We are only a few days in and she’s already taking a bath on the couch, listening to all the city sounds.”

“She did so well on the plane, if anything she just slept most of the day and was really calm! It was the best experience I’ve had having her in the carrier.”

Everyone is doing great! I love helping your pets and you! Cat tips your cat will enjoy!

Dog Family Helped For Years

A very good client referred a friend to me in 2015. I met their two dogs, Casper and Riley. Over the years, they would reach out to me for various reasons.

One summer Riley was digging holes in the yard. I asked him if he wanted a special place to dig and he agreed. They created a sand box for him, and he didn’t dig up the yard!

Casper passed in 2021. And the following year, Ninmah, the sweet girl, joined the family. Riley was her teacher and they bonded quickly.

Flash forward to the past few weeks. Riley was getting weaker and finally told me he was ready to leave his body.

Then last week, I talked to Casper in Spirit, and he was already helping Riley for his journey across Rainbow Bridge. Casper confirmed he explained everything to Riley and would be with him as they crossed over.

I read the message to Riley from his people and his tears flowed. Then with his typical humor, Riley thanked me for the idea of the sandbox. Then my tears flowed. Often my emotions jump out when I help your pets and you!

After Riley and I completed our conversation, I talked to Ninmah and explained how the vet was coming to the house to help Riley. She understood.

The family had a calm, loving experience as they helped Riley get his Angel Wings.

I love helping you and your pets even when the most difficult day comes. Dog tips your dog will enjoy!

My Life’s Work Continues

Yes, my life’s work continues helping you, the pet parents, understand your pets and make life better for everyone. Here’s some tips for you too!

Realizing it’s summer, I want to remind you of some great hot weather tips.