Neeko, a 13-year old Husky, lives in Florida with his people, Peggy and Steve Hawks. They want to keep Neeko comfortable and happy. He was having typical aging dog issues.
Peggy wrote to Animal Bridges, “I have seen his rear legs shake when he’s laying down, not sure why. And he sometimes has trouble swallowing his food, he chokes and will cough after he barks. “
We decided I would do a Healing Touch for Animals® from the distance for Neeko. We agreed the session’s intention was for Neeko’s general wellness, and make him happy and comfortable.
After the session I sent Peggy a summary of the session including his Hara Line (his source of energy) and chakras before and after the session, and about the techniques I used.
Later that evening I received the following email from Peggy:
“Happy Dance for Neeko…..I’m going to keep an eye on him and report back.
When I walked in the door tonight, Steve says Neeko ate his food inside tonight and even took his medication without a fight. Normally we have to chase him around the couch before he will take it. I replied, you know why right? Elaine worked on Neeko today, yay!”
Just wanted to give you an update on Neeko. In September we took Neeko in for his annual exam and blood work, as he is on thyroid medication. Neeko is doing great, the vet said based on his blood work/chemistry he would live another 10 years! He;s on joint support chews so he is even more active and trots around the yard with his sisters Cherry and Lola. He lost 8 lbs being more active and continues to eat and take his medicine. Sending our love.
Peggy, I am so happy Neeko is doing so well. Wonderful news!