Tips to Reduce Stress for Your Pet During The Holidays

Our pets love routines and the holiday season may change their routines. You can easily help them and yourself by taking a few minutes to sit quietly with them and enjoy the moment. Cats and dog love being told how much you love them. Share with them by talking aloud or in your mind how their routines may change. Here are Tips to Reduce Stress for Your Pet During The Holidays:

  • If someone is coming to visit, explain who is coming, when, and how long they will visit. This is important for a shy dog.
  • If you are going on a trip, tell your cat and dog why they will see suitcases. Tell them when you are leaving and when you will be back – they understand time. Tell them what they are going to their favorite vacation lodging and will have a great time. Remind them you will be back! This is important for a dog with separation anxiety.
  • If you are having a party, tell them about the party and who will come. Give them a job – maybe have your dog greet people and your cat stay in her favorite room to rest.
  • If you have a Christmas tree, please explain to your dog and cat this is a special tree. (Our first male dog was confused about a tree in the house – no damage done.) Their job is to watch the tree and all the lights on the tree. Also you may give them the gifts they can open!

Now sit back and enjoy the holidays. Remember your pet wants to understand why there is so much activity!

One Reply to “Tips to Reduce Stress for Your Pet During The Holidays”

  1. These are great Elaine, I have always told Bergen when I leave that I’ll be back. Thank for all you good advice.

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