Stressed, Crying Cat Calmed Down with Energy Work

Mischa, a 4 ½ year old cat, had experienced many changes in the past 6 months.


  • She traveled by car from New York City to Minnesota to her new home with her human Mom.
  • Left a cat sibling behind.
  • Met a new cat and bonded with him, Hendrix.
  • Suddenly Hendrix died.
  • The social cat was suddenly the lone cat and very unhappy.


Mischa  was crying most of the time. If she was alone in a room, and her humans were in another room with the TV on, she cried. She cried during the night. Her human Mom was not sleeping and desperately needed the sleep.

Connie Hertz of St. Paul, Minnesota called Animal Bridges about helping her daughter’s cat. We talked about options and decided a Healing Touch for Animals® session in person would be best for Mischa and her Mom.

For a short time during the HTA session, Mischa sat between her Mom and me as I checked her energy system. Most cats really don’t want to sit and hang out when an energy session in process. Mischa acted like a cat.

When I started to do more hands on work, Mischa walked away. She went as far away as she could – downstairs and between the wall and a cabinet. I carried her upstairs and sat next to her. I told her she was loved and Hendrix was very ill and died. Explained this was her home and she was safe.

I also diluted some lavender essential oil and she licked it. She walked away as I continued the session with her walking around the house.

When I left, her energy system was in great shape and she was more relaxed.

Two days later Connie sent an email “Mischa is a bit more calm today and a bit yesterday. She didn’t bother us last night at all, and there is no crying!” Mischa was eating more nutritious food and playing with a new toy.

A week later Connie wrote “Mischa is calmer.”

Now Mischa is calmer and everyone is happier.