My first sea turtle and manta ray animal communications happened on vacation in Hawaii. We escaped the first blast of winter 2017-2018!
Years ago, we spent time in Maui and missed the Road to Hana. It was on my To Do List! We spent 2-1/2 days driving over 50 miles one way around 620 hair pin curves, 46 single bridges, and saw lots of waterfalls. It was worth the wait!
While exploring, I experienced a sea turtle and manta ray animal communications! It wasn’t planned. It just happened.
One stop was at a black beach. The beach had chunks of lava mixed with the black sand.
As I walked along the beach, I saw a sea turtle lying on the sand about 15 feet from the ocean. Obviously, he came in at high tide and was resting. I was so focused on the turtle I didn’t see the cones to keep people away. Suddenly I heard, “Stay behind the cones.” Oops!
I was busy taking photos. Suddenly I noticed the sea turtle lifted its head and followed me as I walked in an arc around him.
I said, “Hi sea turtle.” He responded, “Thank you for talking to me. Everyone just looks at me and talks about me. No one acknowledges me. Thank you for talking to me.”

Resting Sea Turtle
I responded, “You are welcome. How are you doing?”
“I’m very tired. I had a long swim and am resting until the tide comes in. Thanks for visiting. Bye.”
I wished him a safe journey to his next stop. He made my day!
A few days later, we island hopped to the “The Big Island.” In contrast to Maui’s beautiful sand beaches, this island is famous for lava and volcanoes. The Kona area is known for its manta rays.
I heard that manta rays were feeding on plankton in the local hotel’s cove. The hotel’s under water lights attracted the manta ray’s meal of plankton. I wanted to see the manta rays!
We joined 12 people for a short boat ride to the hotel cove. After entering the water with masks and snorkels, we held on to a PCV pipe raft with a light shining down. We placed swimming “noodles” under our ankles so we laid flat to protect the mantas. They don’t have eyes and “sense” other objects. Then we waited.
First to arrive was “Amanda,” a 9-foot wingspan manta. Mantas are recognized by the markings on the underside. In the Kona area, over 260 mantas are registered with photos and names. Amanda, all black on the top with white underside, glided by and left.

Manta Ray by Professional Photographer
After 5-10 minutes, I was tired of waiting and decided to call “Manta ray, please show us your beauty.” A few minutes later, a smaller manta glided under raft. I said, “Thank you. Please bring a friend.”
Quickly another manta came in. The crew was surprised we had two at once. After a few minutes I requested, “Please flip for us.” Slowly the mantas started doing figure 8’s! The staff member next to me couldn’t believe the show we were getting.
I thanked them for showing us their beauty and they left.
Manta rays can grow to 20 feet across. Unlike other rays, they don’t have a spine on their tail for defense. They are amazing beings.
I’m grateful for the sea turtle and manta ray animal communications! Mahalo! (Hawaiian for “thank you.”)
Do you have questions about animal communication? Schedule a 15 minute free consultation to understand more how I can help you and your pet.