Saying your final pet goodbyes is so difficult. I was interviewed by Dr. Cara Gubbins of Animal Wisdom Circle Expert Interview Series on February 1, 2018.
During “Final Pet Goodbyes: Navigating through Love, Loss, and Grief,” we discussed preparing for pet death, the grief, the guilt, and more. With an active discussion, we covered a lot of topics.
During the interview Cara and I discussed ways to navigate this process, suggestions for helping grieving pet parents, and Is it time for another pet?
Listen to the wonderful hour plus discussion on “Final Pet Goodbyes: Navigating through Love, Loss and Grief.” Let us help you prepare for your hardest decision as a pet parent.
Audio PlayerSign up for your free 15-minute consultation to get your question answered. I’ll help you “bring out the best in your pet.”
I’m honored to be included the Star Tribune article on holistic pet care in Twin Cities. As an animal communicator, I help sick pets explain to their pet parents what is bothering them. I hear the pet’s words and share it in a transcript with her pet parents. I also feel his pain and and his emotions.
Read the entire article here.
Concerned about your pet? Schedule a free 15 minute phone consultation. I’d love to help you “bring out the best in your pet.”
Accepting your intuitive gifts is often difficult for anyone including a professional animal communicator. I was interviewed by Dr. Cara Gubbins of Animal Wisdom Circle Expert Interview Series on August 3, 2017.
During “Animal Communication — How the Pros Do It,” we discussed animal communication and intuitive gifts. With an active discussion, we covered a lot of topics, including:
- Who can communicate with animals?
- What are your intuitive gifts?
- Sometimes pets have different ideas than their pet parents.
Listen to the wonderful hour discussion on “Animal Communication – How the Pros Do It.” Let us help you accept your intuitive gifts and do animal communication.
Audio PlayerSign up for your free 15-minute consultation to get your question answered. I’ll help you “bring out the best in your pet.”
During “Sweet Goodbyes: Preparing Yourself and Your Pet for the Rainbow Bridge,” Cara and Elaine discussed many related topics including how animal communication can help the pet parent.
During the interview Cara asked Elaine talked about preparing for pet death. Elaine also answered questions from callers.
In summary, Elaine said in preparing for pet death, “Everybody [the pets] is an individual. And everybody has different opinions of what they want for their life.” Yes our pets have opinions just like we do.
Listen to the wonderful hour discussion on preparing for pet death. Let Elaine and Cara help you as a pet parent.
Audio PlayerIf you have problems with the recording, please click this link to hear the entire interview.

Katie K9
Katie K9 of My Talk FM107.1 radio invited Elaine Garley of Animal Bridges to discuss Tellington TTouch® and Healing Touch for Animals® on her radio show.
Katie has trained dogs in the Twin Cities for over 30 years and is a wealth of knowledge. She does not use treats as rewards in training. She believes you are the treats/reward for your dogs! Katie’s shows are lively and full of wonderful information.
First hour of the show.
Audio PlayerSecond hour of the show.
Audio PlayerNot sure what your pet needs? Contact Elaine.
Mae Kelley of Supernatural Investigators of Minnesota (SIM) invited Elaine Garley of Animal Bridges to discuss animal communication on Minnesota Paranormal Coalition’s (MPC) radio show.
On April 15, 2014, Elaine and Mae discussed animal communication for nearly an hour. Get comfortable and click below to hear the radio show. Be patient the first few minutes until the volume is corrected.
Audio PlayerNot sure what your pet needs? Contact Elaine.
Sunday, December 1, 2013, Elaine spent time with Ann Platt of Pets Are Inn discussing pets with Roshini Rajkumar on WCCO’s News and Views, for a podcast on Helping Your Pet.
Roshini starts talking about pets at 15:00 and the Pet Panel (Ann and Elaine) starts at 19:00. Just slide the bar over to jump start to the Pet Section.
Not sure what your pet needs? Contact Elaine.
Mary Stoffel, an animal communicator and owner of Humanimal, hosts the monthly radio show “Edge Animal Talk.” Mary invited Elaine Garley of Animal Bridges to join Carol Kramer Smorch to discuss Healing Touch for Animals®.
We discussed:
- What is Healing Touch for Animals®?
- How does it differ from other healing modalities?
- Can anyone do this and what training is needed?
- What are the issues best addressed by HTA?
- Where can you find additional information?
We also shared our experiences of using Healing Touch for Animals® with many species including cats, dogs, turtles, birds, and rabbits. While Elaine works with family pets, Carol Smorch primarily works with competition agility dogs.
Audio PlayerCalhoun Square pulled out all the stops for dogs and their people! Elaine was asked to be the “Pet Psychic” (aka animal communicator) and answer pet parent questions about their dogs. Listen to the Interview With “Pet Psychic” on Animal Communication in the link below.
Listen to the interview here.
Every people/pet team has unique needs. Often, a combination of approaches will serve both the client and the pet best. It really depends on each individual animal and person’s needs. All methods are gentle and loving.
This article was featured in The K9 Reporter as “Making Life Easier for Your Senior Dog.” Here additional resources are included that were omitted due to lack of space. You’ll find lots of tips for easing your senior dog’s life.
Are you noticing changes in your senior dog? Is the muzzle getting whiter? Does she walk slower now? Does he have a hard time getting into the car or walking the stairs? I remember when Boomer, my wheaten terrier, started slowly aging. He lived a great life of over 14 years and taught me a lot of living with an older dog.
Janet Roper of Talk2TheAnimals invited Elaine Garley of Animal Bridges to discuss Healing Touch for Animals®. Does Healing Touch work for animals? Join guest Elaine Garley, certified Healing Touch for Animals® practitioner as she talks about healing touch, what it is and the dynamic effect it can have on animals.
The first 40 minutes of the show Janet interviews cat expert Darlene Arden, author of “The Complete Cat’s Meow.”
Then Elaine joins Janet. Click Talk2TheAnimals Radio Show to hear the show. Then click the start audio and slide the bar to advance to Elaine’s interview at 40:35. Enjoy!
Elaine of Animal Bridges demonstrates Tellington TTouch® at Puppy Love Caring Canines annual fund raiser, Wag-N-Wheel Walk. The Animal Bridges Demonstrates TTouch Video is below.
Elaine demonstrated several Tellington TTouch® techniques with a dog who had a stressful incident at the vet’s office. She demonstrated a TTouch® Body Wrap, a TTouch® basic touch, and shared the TTouch® philosophy.
I was shocked I won the First Place winner of Petlitzer Prize Round 4 hosted by Sid Korpi, the author of Good Grief: Finding Peace After Pet Loss. By the rules, the story started with the prompt “It was a dark and stormy night, and my [dog/cat/horse, etc. – you name the animal] …
I submitted the following true story.
It was a dark and stormy night, and my puppy was on his first camping trip in northern Minnesota. Just hours ago my husband, Teddy Bare the 10-week old Wheaten Terrier puppy, and I settled in our tent to enjoy the great sleeping weather. After a day of officiating at a white water kayak race, we were ready for some great outdoor sleeping. A slight breeze caused the tent to make flapping noises. Since it was the 1980’s, we didn’t have access to Doppler radar and had no idea what was headed our way!
Around midnight the tent started rocking from the winds and whipping the flaps. A loud clash of close thunder woke me. The dark and stormy night was at our camp site! The sky lit up with lightening dancing across the sky. Well, I hoped it was dancing across the sky and not touching the ground near us. Since we camped in rain before, I knew we could handle it. Both John and Teddy Bare didn’t react and kept sleeping. Crack! Flashing lightening and the rain came down in sheets. Oh no — reality started to settle in. Hmmm, a huge tent with a metal dog crate in a lightning storm. How wise was that? Yikes, it was time to move!
I grabbed the metal crate with Teddy who was still sound asleep, my pillow and a blanket. I unzipped the huge door and stepped out under the awning. Then zipped the door shut. Was the van unlocked? Crash, bang, clash, lighting flashing! The lightening provided wonderful lighting so I could see the fire pit. The rain came down in sheets and we got soaked in the 15 feet to the van. Fortunately the doors were unlocked and we settled in for the stormy night. Teddy Bare was calm and cuddly as he slept with his puppy breathe in my face. For a 10-week old puppy, he took everything in stride. This was normal to him. I fell asleep on the hard rubber mat curled under the blanket.
Several hours later, I woke up to quiet. The rain stopped. It was a beautiful night with stars shining. I decided to go back to the comfort of a sleeping bag and the tent. I took Teddy Bare out for a quick visit to the woods and went to the tent. I quietly unzipped the door and stepped in. John said quietly, “What are you doing here?” I said I wanted to sleep in the sleeping bag. John laughed! “I’m on the only dry spot in the tent. Go back to the van!” So Teddy Bare and I went back to the van and slept until the sun rose. What a great way to spend a “dark and stormy night!”
I can’t remember the number of times I tried to figure out what I wanted to do “when I grew up.” I knew what I didn’t want to do. Career counseling led me to relationships and maybe dogs. After many twists and turns, I found how to combine my passion of animals with my work.
After meeting Tia Goodwin at a women’s networking group, Tia asked me to share my journey of many careers and jobs on her “Career Makeover/Strategies with Tia Goodwin.”
Grab a cup of tea or coffee and listen to my journey of lots of jobs to the perfect one for me — helping people bring out the best in their pets.
Audio PlayerGracie, an 8 month old Akita was afraid of everything — cars, dumpsters, and the wind. Watch Gracie’s confidence grow as Animal Bridges helped her with TTouch® over a series of session. This is Gracie’s Journey.
Elaine Garley of Animal Bridges joined Sage Lewis’ Pet Playground radio show with the founder of Tellington TTouch®, Linda Tellington- Jones. Over 40 years ago, Linda Tellington-Jones, a highly acclaimed animal expert, developed Tellington TTouch®, “a gentle approach to influencing behavior, health, and performance.”
Come join the fun at the Pet Playground and listen to the show!
Audio PlayerWatch the Video of Animal Bridges Demonstrating TTouch® below. The TTouch® journey is taking me to places I never imagined. Cheri Moon of the Star Tribune’s Pet Central asked me if I would do some media work of the Doggie Palooza. Of course, I said yes. I appeared with Dakota (Cheri’s dog) and Cheri on Twin Cities Live (KSTP). I demonstrated the ear slides, Clouded Leopard, and Python Life.