Making a Difference for Pet Parents and Pets

When I started Animal Bridges, I knew I wanted to help people and their pets. I never imagined I would make a difference in so many lives. I’m making a difference for pet parents and pets.

Looking back over the years, I realized how my life changed as I helped pet parents and their pets. Here’s a few stories…

A cat urinating all around the house changed to using the litter box 100% of the time.

A senior dog stopped frantically walking circles to living her last week of life as a dignified dog.

A fearful, shy dog grew in confidence and became a therapy dog.

A limping dog showed me discomfort in my left palm, resulting in the vet removing a growth from his front left paw.

A puppy who ran from his harness gave me pain near my ribs. His chiropractor confirmed a rib was out of place.

After swallowing a golf ball sized nut, a dog had emergency surgery. The veterinarian staff was concerned about him. After distance energy work, the staff was shocked he went home the next afternoon.

Hobbes’ vet arranged for me to be in the recovery room after his dental cleaning. She was surprised he was ready to go home within an hour instead of the usual 2-hour anesthesia recovery.

A horse was lame on his front left leg. Did he need the furrier? I felt soft tissue soreness on my left elbow – his left front leg.

Many of these clients were helped with animal communication, Healing Touch for Animals, or Tellington TTouch Method

Recently my work came close to home.

Sophie, the Westie, was suddenly sick with pneumonia. She was Hobbes’ (our angel Wheaten) BFF.

As she got sicker, I talked with her and asked how she was doing. She told me Hobbes was with her and suddenly he left.

He left because she wasn’t ready to cross The Rainbow Bridge.

A few days later, she said Hobbes was with her, and she was ready. When it was time, Hobbes escorted her across The Rainbow Bridge.

Through our tears and sadness, we know the two are sitting on a porch someplace across The Rainbow Bridge. 

Sophie shared her love with her people with an animal communication

With gratitude, love, and empathy, I thank you for trusting me with your precious pets. Because of you, I’m making a difference pet parents and pets.

Thank you for spreading my passion of “bringing out the best in you & your pets.”