Dog’s Illness was Helped with Energy Medicine



On Tuesday morning, I noticed a neighbor walking up our sidewalk with tears running down her face. I turned to my husband and said “This is not good.” Pat Jones came to tell us that Harvey, her 11 year old Doodle was dying. Or at least that is what Pat and her husband, Allen Gibas, thought. But here’s how this Dog’s Illness was Helped with Energy Medicine.

About a week before Harvey wasn’t eating or acting normal. The vet wasn’t sure what was causing the problem. In a few days, Harvey was back to normal. Then Monday Harvey wasn’t eating or moving much. Harvey mustered up all his strength to go to the Emergency Clinic. Without knowing if he had any infection, the vet gave him some antibiotics and anti-nausea medicine.

When he came home he laid down and didn’t move. Tuesday morning the vet called to say Harvey had an abdominal tumor. Since Harvey hadn’t moved at all during the night, Pat and Allen were sure he was dying. He barely drank any water. So Pat came to my front door.

As we talked and cried, Hobbes (my dog) climbed up next to Pat and gave her kisses. Then he laid across her lap. We decided I would go see Harvey and talk with Allen. When I walked in, Harvey lifted his head – his first movement in 17 hours. Allen and Pat wanted an animal communication with Harvey and a Healing Touch for Animals® (energy medicine similar to Reiki) session.

Harvey said he wasn’t ready to cross Rainbow Bridge. He felt his body was failing around him. He was achy and had no pain. As I started the Healing Touch for Animals® session, Harvey’s breathing was very shallow. As I worked and felt the energy going into his body, his breathing shifted. He took deep breaths and started moving like he was having a dream. When I finished the session, Allen carried Harvey outside and down the five steps to the grass. Harvey stood and walked very slowly to the blanket in the sunshine – he loves lying in the sun. Then we gave Harvey the antibiotic and anti-nausea medicine.

As I left Allen, Pat, and Harvey, the tears were dry and a sense of hope filled the air. Pat was going to call their daughter and tell her about Harvey.

The next night, Wednesday, Pat sent me this email:

“I wanted to let you know how Harvey has been. He wanted to sleep in bed with us last night and that was very cozy and sweet. Allen took him out to pee a couple times. He went out twice this morning and seemed to enjoy being out. I picked up some high nutrition soft stinky canned food at the vet this morning. He loves it, ate it eagerly. Later he ate some dog treats I had. Then he ate some dry dog food a friend brought (to see if he’d like it). Later a friend brought by dinner from El Mason [a local Spanish restaurant]. One dish was chicken and rice. Allen and I ate it but I fed some to H. and he was very enthusiastic about it. H. and I spent a long time outside early this evening. He peed, we visited with the neighbors, he watched cats and dogs a lot. Then he started walking around the block. I had to hurry to keep up with him. He pooped. About 8 he ate some more of the stinky can stuff along with some of his regular dog food. All these meals were small but he got the most nutrition today he’s had for awhile.
Another friend gave him Reiki tonight. Julia [his human sister who thought he was dying] will arrive in about an hour [from the west coast].”

I was thrilled with the news. Then Thursday afternoon, my husband announced there was a “brand new Harvey outside.” Allen, Pat, Julia, and Harvey were passing my house on a walk. I went out and called Harvey who was three houses away. He quickly turned his head and wagged his tail. The old Harvey was back – Maybe a little slower but he was back!

Saturday when I went to Harvey’s house, he walked quickly to the door with his beautiful fluffy tail wagging and greeted me. Harvey’s family said the Healing Touch for Animals® helped Harvey enjoy life again.