Calm in the Eye of the Storm: Tips to Calm Your Pet

It’s one year since the first case of COVID-19 arrived in the US. It seems so long ago since it entered our lives. It affects your pets too. Here’s tips to calm your pet.

Never did I think a virus would affect and change our lives to this extent. All of us personally are affected by COVID.

We had it ourselves, know affected people, lost loved ones, quarantined, are wearing our masks, and waiting for vaccines.

Many people felt alone and isolated. Suddenly, pets were adopted faster than shelters could get cats and dogs. Many of us waited for our special pet to arrive.

Even new pets and our older pets learned a new lifestyle — you are home most of the time.

Now some pets are fearful of changes and being alone. Even their veterinarian visits changed!

Have you noticed your dog or cat is more clingy or aloof? Are they licking themselves more or being more vocal?

Our pets’ behavior may be “mirroring” our behavior. Like children, our pets absorb our emotions, stress, fears, and feelings of loss.

Now is the perfect time to help everyone in your home find some calm.

Let’s start with putting your phone aside and sit quietly with your pet.

Exhale and breathe slowly and deeply. Your pet may join you in the calm breathing.

Do gentle TTouch ear slides for a few minutes. Slowly and lightly run your hand down your pet’s back.

Are you still stressed? Maybe it’s time for you and your pet to use Rescue Remedy or Rescue Pet to take off the edge.

Now observe what is going on in your household.

  • Is your dog being destructive? The dog probably wants attention or is releasing stress.
  • Is your cat ignoring the litter box?
  • Does your dog need more activity?

While enjoying your quiet and calmful space, here’s some tips to calm your pet.

  • Did you know mental stimulation for pets is more tiring than play?
  • Review commands like leave it, down, and stay. Have yummy treats to help.
  • Teach new tricks – shake, roll over, and so many more. Many trick books are available.
  • Hide objects in house and make a game of it.
  • Pet puzzles are great stimulation. Gizmo loves finding food hidden in the puzzles.
  • Spread food in several muffin tin holes. A great way for mealtime fun.
  • Cats enjoy new games and toys too. Put a ping pong ball in the bathtub and let the fun begin!
  • Take your dog for a walk without phone in your ear. Focus on him and enjoy nature. Give her time to smell the bushes. Let her choose where to walk.

After just 15 minutes, all of you will be calmer and relaxed.

You are not alone! Remember I’m here to help you “bring out the best in you & your pet!”

Concerned about your pet? Find out what’s going on with an animal communication.

If you want extra support, email me. I’ll help you find the best solutions for your family.  

Enjoy your new calm!