Animal Communication with a Puppy? Of Course!

Ever wonder if a dog or cat is too young to understand you? Animal communication with a puppy is a great treat. You, the pet parent, will learn so much.

Before he came to live with us, Gizmo and I started our communications. Yes, I talked to him when we knew “Blue Boy” was ours at just 6 weeks old.

I told “Blue Boy,” we were driving to pick him up and bring him to his Forever Home. He didn’t know about Arizona or long car rides. He only knew his litter, a few other dogs, and a few people.

When we met him, I immediately felt the connection. He looked at me and kissed my nose. Yes, we were a family.

A week after we arrived home, I asked “Blue Boy” about names. We called him Munchkin. Did he want to stay Munchkin or become Gizmo?

He responded “Gizmo! It sounds fun.” Gizmo choose his name.

And our previous dog, Hobbes, requested his name be changed when he joined our family at 1 year old.

A few weeks later, Gizmo and I had an important conversation — potty training. We were taking him out as soon as he woke up, eat, or played. Now we needed some help from him.

In our chat, I asked Gizmo to squeak when he needed to go outside. Amazingly, he started using two different sounds to announce his needs!

He’s a master of squeaking most of time. Frequently he goes to a door and announces his needs.

Whenever we leave him alone, we explain where we are going, why, and when we’ll be back. Of course, he gets a wonderful treat when we leave.

Now he’s often sound asleep when we come home. Or he’s quietly playing with a toy. No separation anxiety here!

Today I ran an errand and told him I’d be back within 30 minutes. When I returned, I could hear him squeaking that he really needed to go outside. Immediately we went out and he relieved himself. Success!

Gizmo is 4 months old and doing great.

He isn’t the only puppy learning about animal communication.

Recently, a friend had a family emergency. She and her 5-month old puppy left suddenly for an 8-hour road trip. They’d be gone several weeks.

He handled the trip like a champ after he knew what was happening and why. He even provided joy to the family members when they needed it most.

No pet is too young or too old for an animal communication. I haven’t talked to any pet that didn’t want to be heard. Just like us, pets want to share how they feel.

Wondering how I can help you and your pet? Schedule a free 15-minute consult.