We are home most of the time. If I’m running errands, John is home. Opps, major mistake!
Now we plan times when we both leave and leave Gizmo alone. He’s pretty trustworthy and we let him have the run of the kitchen and living room.
If he gets into trouble, he meets us at the kitchen/garage door and announce with squeaks that he did something. Then he would take us to the spot.
Several weeks ago, while we’re gone, he knocked an orchid off the end table. The orchid landed between the end table and the sofa. Gizmo was really upset.
New ideas to help
After this incident, we introduced the crate again by putting his food in it.
Also, I always tell him where we’re going, when we’ll be back and leave him with an odor-free bully stick and sometimes a dog puzzle. He’s doing great with this.
We also go lax with his training. He was a super star with sit, stay, come, down, and the usual commands/requests. Well, someplace adolescence puppy brain happened! He doesn’t always listen.
Unfortunately, we now have places to go and things to do! Training time has returned.
On the positive side of adolescence, sleep is very important to Gizmo. Around 7:30 pm, Gizmo is fast asleep in the living room. John wakes him to go for his short bedtime walk about 9 pm.
Then Gizmo is asleep for the night. He starts in the living room and moves into our bedroom to various spots on the floor. Sometimes he gets in his bed.
He’s really a sweet boy most of the time.
Today, adolescence puppy living became reality again!
I was getting ready for the day in our master bathroom. For some reason, I was drawn to go to check on things. Yes, my intuition kicked in, and I didn’t know why.
Gizmo was on the bed and bouncing around. I continued to the living room (next room).
He chewed on the corner of the sofa!
I lost it and yelled at him, “What the hell is this?” John came out of another room and yelled too. Gizmo realized he screwed up.

John grabbed the torn foam rubber and batting and put it up to Gizmo’s face. Gizmo got very quiet and sat and looked.
Then Gizmo and John went for their morning long walk.
Now everyone is calm again. I made a temporary patch on the sofa. Later I’ll fix it with the fabric from an arm rest.

You aren’t the only one with puppy and kitten issues. It’s part adolescence puppy or kitten living.
Now Gizmo is sleeping next to my desk and life has moved on for him.
Later today we’ll chat (animal communication) and I’ll hear his side of the story.
Yes, cats and dogs aren’t the angels we always expect. Remember to exhale and breathe.
Remember an animal communication can usually help everyone understand. If you need help, schedule a free 15-minute consult.