Where do you begin with a very anxious dog who also has separation anxiety?
How anxious was Luna?
Her person wrote, “She’s very anxious about any small changes in the house, and loves to play with us but gets nervous when the other 2 dogs try to play with her.
“She also has severe separation anxiety – we’ve had to crate her in an industrial crate because she chews everything, and will even chew apart weaker crates.”
Brittany, her new pet parent, and I agreed to start with an animal communication to understand Luna’s concerns and fears.
In the animal communication, Luna was very concerned why she was where she was.
I explained she was at her Forever Home.
She replied, “So I’m home. I never have to go back there again.” She was referring to her previous home where she “wasn’t well cared for and was scared” according to Brittany.
Then Luna said, “I’m afraid of loud noises. I was yelled at and hate that. I’m afraid of being alone. I don’t know what to do about it.” Luna was explaining why she is needed help as an anxious dog.
I told Luna how her new pet parents, Jake and Brittany, would care for her. Luna said, “I’m learning to trust them and other people.”
After this communication session, I suggested a Healing Touch for Animals® (HTA) session would be perfect for Luna.

For this session, Brittany and I agreed to give Luna a new job – go to her favorite bed with her Kong® when they leave her.
I cleared and opened her energy system and gave her the new job. As I finished explaining her new job, Luna said, “I feel love. I feel a hug.”
A few days later, I did another HTA session with the intention of releasing her past traumas. I felt Luna relax and she said, “I’m done. I’m done.” We finished the session.
Luna is now a calmer dog when her people are close. Gone is the anxious dog.

Brittany wrote, “She is still crated – she has a pretty industrial crate that is her safe space now.”
“We used to not be able to even go out in the yard without her freaking out. Now we can leave her in the house while we are in the yard.
“She whines, but chews on the Kong® just like she’s supposed to.”
Yes, a very anxious dog is now calmer and coping better with being left in the house with the other 2 dogs.
Wondering if animal communication or Healing Touch for Animals® session will help you and your pet? Schedule a 15-minute free consult and find out how Animal Bridges can help you and your pet.