9 Hot Weather Tips for Your Pet

With only a few weeks of spring, we are suddenly facing 80 to 90-degree days. Help your pet adjust with these 9 hot weather tips for your pets.

Hobbes overheated on his first weekend with us. It was 70 degrees with humidity! After 10 minutes of running around with a new friend, he was panting rapidly and had a bright red tongue! Since then he avoids heat. He’s taught me many hot weather tips.

Hobbes’ 9 hot weather tips for your pet are:

  1. Walk early in the morning or in the late evening when it is cooler.
  2. If you must walk during the heat of the day, you may want to wet your dog down. We keep a plastic pitcher of water outside the door and pour water on Hobbes’ back. Warning – water from the hose can be too hot! For a short haired dog, tie a wet bandanna around her neck. You can freeze it first.
  3. Carry water with you or know where the pet water dishes are on your walks. Fortunately, we have a few water stops on our walks. I check our water dish by the sidewalk at least once a day and refresh it with clean water.
  4. Leave your best friend home. Although he may say otherwise, being home is cooler and more comfortable than an extremely hot car.
  5. Turn on the air conditioner early before it gets hot. Fans can help cool a hot room. Show your dog the cool tile in bathrooms. Give cats an escape route to cooler rooms and basements.
  6. Short haired dogs and hairless breeds can sunburn. Use a pet safe sun screen.
  7. If you dog is panting, you can start doing TTouch® Ear Slides. Yes, I talk about them all the time!
  8. Thunderstorms come with hot weather. These thunderstorm tips will make it easier for you and your fearful dog.
  9. Learn the signs of heat or sun stroke in dogs today!

Stay cool with Hobbes’ hot weather tips for your pet and enjoy summer!

Concerned about your pet? Are you leaving on vacation? Schedule your free 15-minute consultation and learn how I can help you and your pet.