11 Tips to Calm Your Dog’s Fear of Thunderstorms

Ithunder storms your dog terrified of thunderstorms? Does she tremble, whimper, cling to you, and have her tail tucked? Are his eyes wide open and showing the whites of his eyes? Your dog is showing their fear.

The dogs feel the barometric pressure changes before we see the weather. You can help them with these tips.


Before a thunderstorm is even in the weather forecast:

  1. Spend a few minutes with your pet everyday doing the Tellington TTouch® ear slides.
    1. For a dog with floppy ears, support your dog’s head with one hand. With the other hand, gently place your hand on the dog’s skull between the ears. Then on one ear, slowly and lightly, slide your hand down the entire ear. Be sure you are breathing – exhale as you do this. Repeat several times while moving your hand to cover the entire ear.  Then repeat on the other ear.
    2. For a dog with upright ears, support your dog’s head with one hand. Gently place your other hand at the ear base on the skull, and gently fold the ears vertically and stroke up the ear to the tip. Do one ear at a time and be sure you are breathing. Exhale as you stroke up. Repeat several times and then do the other ear.
  2. Purchase a Thundershirt. Follow the directions and use the Thundershirt on a bright sunny day for a few minutes. Use it night. Then use during a storm. Available at many pet stores.
  3. Purchase Bach® Rescue Remedy to have on hand. It is a flower essence that helps calm people and pets available at health food stores and many pet stores. The original Rescue® Remedy has an alcohol base and the Rescue® Pet has a glycerin base. Follow the directions on the box. On a day predicted to have storms, add 4 drops of Rescue Remedy to his clean drinking water 4 times a day. Also you can put the drops on a porous treat and wait a minute to give it to him.
  4. Purchase Though A Dog’s Ear, now called iCalm  music for calming a dog during a thunderstorm. The music was developed using science to calm dogs and it works.

During a storm:

  1. You must relax and be calm for your dog. Exhale and be conscious of your breathing.
  2. Speak in a low, calm voice. Tell your dog that everyone is safe.
  3. Play The Through A Dog’s Ear CD.
  4. Give Rescue® Remedy to everyone – people included.
  5. Imagine your dog will be relaxed, sleeping or resting near you. You will be amazed how changing your mind will change your pet.
  6. Find a place your dog feels comfortable away from windows. Often the bathroom is good spot because of the cool floor and the grounding provided by the water pipes. Sit with your dog in this room or a room she picks.
  7. Gently do ear slides on her and enjoy the time together.

Still need help for your dog? Schedule for a free 15-minute phone consultation.