Sydney, an 11-year old “American Traveler” needed surgery to remove a small cancerous tumor from her jaw. In the past Sydney howled as she came out of anesthesia. Luana Hanson-Martin, her pet parent, was concerned how Sydney would handle surgery and anesthesia and asked for some recommendations.
I suggested doing a distance Healing Touch for Animals® (HTA) with Sydney as she came out of the anesthesia. Sydney’s vet agreed HTA was a good idea. We agreed Luana would call me when Sydney was out of surgery.
The day of surgery, Luana called me as she sat with Sydney in recovery. I immediately started a distant HTA session with Sydney. I set my intention for Sydney’s highest good and to remove congestion from her energy field. As I worked, I felt the energy change and felt less tingling in my hands.
I called Luana when I was done. Sydney was resting quietly – no howling. A few days later, Sydney needed to have surgery again to replace some stitches in her mouth that she removed with her tongue. Then Luana sent me the following in an email:
“Absolutely, you can use her story. I was just amazed that she didn’t howl after the original surgery and she sure did after they fixed her stitches. Like I said, if I’d known exactly what they were going to do I would have contacted you to help her after the “re-do” surgery.”
The great news is Sydney recovered from the surgeries and is cancer free!
Photo credit: Sarah Beth Photography