For seven years, Amy the nine-year old miniature schnauzer was afraid of cameras and getting her picture taken. Recently there were only pictures of her tail as she ran from the room. What made her afraid of the camera? Ann Platt, Amy’s pet parent, said a professional photographer was trying to get her attention. At the same moment he loudly knocked on a wooden door the strobe light flashed. Amy ran and started her habit of running! Here’s how the Dog Scared of Camera is Helped with TTouch®…
Ann, who is very pet savvy, as the owner of Pets Are Inn, had tried to help Amy with her fear and had no success. Amy is so smart that she knows the difference between when Ann is using her smart phone as a phone or turning to use it as a camera. If Ann is using the smart phone as a phone, Amy stays close. As soon as Ann turns the phone around, Amy is out of the room as fast as her legs can carry her.
Ann wants Amy to star in some videos and photos for Pets Are Inn and couldn’t figure out how to get her over her fear of cameras. So Ann asked me to me to work with Amy.
Before our session, I had an animal communication with Amy. She told me she is afraid because cameras make loud noises. I explained to her what happened at the photo session.
During our session, I did Tellington TTouches® all over Amy’s body. She stood quietly as I put a Body Wrap on her to help her feel more comfortable. While sitting on the floor. I put treats around my camera. Amy was hesitant and slowly came over for the treats. Then I put the treats on the camera. She approached and ate the treats. I took off the body warp and talked with Ann for several minutes. Then I picked up the camera and took the first two photographs of Amy in seven years!
Since I left, Ann is leaving her camera in sight of Amy. Amy is aware of the camera and is no longer running. She doesn’t seem as concerned with Ann’s smart phone. Soon Amy will be the star of Pets Are Inn!