7 Calming Tips for You and Your Family

The past few weeks became a game changer in everyone’s lives around the world. I’m sure you need the 7 calming tips for you and your family.

I was on the hunt for alcohol-based hand wipes. In the past, I could find them when I occasionally wanted them. CVS and Fry’s had bare shelves. I just stood there and stared. Was this real? Yes, it was.

Then I continued to my dentist for a crown. The dentist was concerned because of my recent trip to Hawaii. We rescheduled my appointment. Then the American Dental Association recommendation was released — only emergency dental procedures should be done.

The next morning, I went back to Fry’s for groceries. Fry’s parking lot was full. Yesterday a small sign at the front door warned about a customer limit of some supplies. Today’s sign limited each customer to 1 item of eggs, milk, bread, toilet paper, and lots more.

I discovered bare shelves for canned food, canned soup, most breads, eggs, etc. My mouth dropped when I saw ONLY one gallon of skim milk. The expiration date is in a month. Since I only wanted a quart, after some thought, I grabbed it.

We’re all into this together and share the same stories. Now what?

I realized today I wanted to share tips to help you and your family be calmer during this temporary change in our lives.

Here are my 7 calming tips for you and your family and friends. Yes, you can share this blog.

  • If you give your pets Bach® Flower Rescue Remedy when they’re upset, now it’s a perfect time for yourself! Add 4 drops under your tongue or in your water or drink 4 times a day. Yes, put it in your children’s water too!
  • Give yourself a Tellington TTouch® Heart Hug! Teach your children too. Smile as you finish each TTouch® Heart Hug. Feel yourself relax.
  • Have you put a Tellington TTouch® Body Wrap on your pet? Time to try one on yourself.  Find a 3-inch Ace® bandage and watch my video.
Calm Yourself with Tellington TTouch Body Wrap
  • Read a book you were saving for a “rainy day.” I’m enjoying reading instead of watching the TV.
  • Donate some food or toilet paper to a food shelf or someone in need. Make a stranger smile. Thank everyone working so you can buy groceries. They really appreciate it!
  • Take your dog for a walk and enjoy the fresh air and play with your cat. Then call a friend, a relative, or a neighbor. Brighten their day!
  • Most importantly, listen to what your mother said and wash your hands and get rest.

I’m here to “bring out the best in you and your pets.” Need more ideas? Schedule a free 15-minute consult to discuss what’s going on and how I can help you.