5 Tips to Help Your Dog, Cat, or Horse with Change in Routine

Where are they?

Where are they?

School has started. Schedules change.

What is changing in your life and your pet’s life?

  • Are your schedules changing from being home during the summer to going back to school?
  • Is your pet’s best buddy going off to college or moving into an apartment?
  • Did your work schedule change and you are working different times?
  • Do you have new activities – sports, meetings, scouts – and won’t be home for your pet?
  • Other changes include new member of family (human or animal), death in family or a friend (human or animal), change in employment, moving, finances, etc.

Although these changes may not affect you, the changes may be confusing to your pet.

Help your dog, cat, or horse (and rabbit too) with these five easy tips.

  1. When you leave the house (or stable):
    1. Tell her where you are going, when you will be back. For example, “Hobbes, I am going to a meeting and will be back after dinner.”
    2. Leave calmly. If you are excited and stressed, your dog will probably be upset too.
    3. You may want to give him a treat or a special toy to entertain him.
  2. If a family member is going to college, moving out, or going on a trip, please tell your pet why their buddy is leaving. Pets want to know what is going on. Imagine how you would feel if someone you love just walked out the door and never seemed to come home.
  3. The Bach® Flower Essence Walnut helps people and animals with the emotions of change. It is a very gentle homeopath that helps everyone with changes.  You can find it a natural food store, Whole Foods, or online. Please ask Elaine if you have any questions.
  4. Clients say animal communications help their pets. One dog’s fear of abandonment was helped. And I made a big mistake a few years ago and upset Hobbes.
  5. When you get home, take 5 minutes to sit quietly with your pet. Exhale slowly. Slowly stroke your pet. Forget about all your “should” and “need to’s.” Now is the time to be with your best friend(s).

Still concerned about your pet? Schedule a Free 15-Minute Phone Consultation with Elaine of Animal Bridges.