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	<title>horse lame Archives - Prescott, AZ Animal Communicator | Animal &amp; People Bridges</title>
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		<title>Animal Communicator Explains Why Horse is Lame &#8211; Testimonial</title>
		<dc:creator><![CDATA[Elaine Garley]]></dc:creator>
		<pubDate>Wed, 28 Oct 2015 16:14:52 +0000</pubDate>
				<category><![CDATA[Animal communication]]></category>
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					<description><![CDATA[<p>Isabella Allard from Cascais, Portugal wrote the following testimonial about her experience with Elaine the animal communicator from Animal Bridges: <a class="more-link" href="https://animalbridges.com/animal-communicator-explains-why-horse-is-lame-testimonial/">Read More ...</a></p>
<p>The post <a href="https://animalbridges.com/animal-communicator-explains-why-horse-is-lame-testimonial/">Animal Communicator Explains Why Horse is Lame &#8211; Testimonial</a> appeared first on <a href="https://animalbridges.com">Prescott, AZ Animal Communicator | Animal &amp; People Bridges</a>.</p>
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										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<h3>Isabella Allard from Cascais, Portugal wrote the following testimonial about her experience with Elaine the animal communicator from <span style="color: #993366;"><a style="color: #993366;" href="https://animalbridges.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Animal Bridges</a></span>:</h3>
<h3>“I was looking for an animal communicator to speak to my horse [Samba] as I wanted to know why he had gone lame and what he needed to get better.</h3>
<h3>I found Elaine while searching on-line and am so happy I did.</h3>
<h3>I booked her <span style="color: #993366;"><strong><a style="color: #993366;" href="http://bitly.com/AnimBridHelp" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">FREE 15 minute consultation</a> </strong></span>[by Skype] and explained my situation.</h3>
<h3>She has a lovely energy and I felt assured she could help. We arranged a session.</h3>
<h3>Shortly after our call, she spoke with my horse and sent me a transcript via email of their conversation; which truly warmed my heart to read.</h3>
<p><span id="more-2388"></span></p>
<p>The conversation was informative and not only did I appreciate it but so did my horse.</p>
<p>Fortunately, I found out that my horse didn&#8217;t need a vet; he [said he] would get better with rest and energy healing.</p>
<p>Elaine gave me a few suggestions for what we could to do together while he was recovering.</p>
<p>I have since taken him out to graze in the pasture and he loves it!</p>
<p>Not only is he getting better but our relationship is becoming stronger as well.</p>
<p>I am truly grateful and appreciative of Elaine.</p>
<p>I will be sure to return when I have any issues with my animals that I need clarity and/or healing on.</p>
<p>Elaine comes highly recommended.</p>
<p>Thank you Elaine!&#8221;</p>
<h3>Partial Transcript of Animal Communicator and Samba</h3>
<p>Elaine:     Is it your left hoof?</p>
<p>Samba:    Yes it is.</p>
<p>Elaine:     Okay. Tell me or show me how it hurts. Is it throbbing or is it a sharp pain? (In my metatarsal arch behind I feel achy and a tingling feeling. I feel it on my left foot so I am not sure if it is back or front hoof.) Is there a sore spot or a bruise?</p>
<p>Samba:    It is a bad bruise.</p>
<p>Elaine:     Do the boots help?</p>
<p>Samba:    Yes, the boots help some. If I step wrong it hurts bad.</p>
<p>Elane:      How does it hurt? Is it an ache or a shooting pain?</p>
<p>Samba:    It is an ache.</p>
<p>Elaine:     Okay. Is this why you resist working?</p>
<p>Samba:    Yes. I don’t want to walk on it very far. Lunging is really hard on me. I don’t like doing that at all.</p>
<p>Elaine:     Because of your hoof or because you don’t like lunging?</p>
<p>Samba:    Because of my hoof. (My left foot is really aching and a gentle throb. It radiates out a little on the sole of my foot but stays in the center area.)</p>
<p>Elaine:     Do you need to see a vet?</p>
<p>Samba:     I don’t think a vet can help. I think I need rest. Some energy work would help me a lot. I think that would help. Also have Isabella really, really check my foot. There may be something there.</p>
<p>The conversation continued with Elaine, the animal communicator.</p>
<h4>Concerned about your horse or animal companion?<strong> <a href="http://bitly.com/AnimBridHelp" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Schedule</a></strong> a <strong>15 minute free consultation by phone or Zoom.</strong></h4>
<p>The post <a href="https://animalbridges.com/animal-communicator-explains-why-horse-is-lame-testimonial/">Animal Communicator Explains Why Horse is Lame &#8211; Testimonial</a> appeared first on <a href="https://animalbridges.com">Prescott, AZ Animal Communicator | Animal &amp; People Bridges</a>.</p>
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		<post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">2388</post-id>	</item>