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Is your cat being creative where she is going? Is he spraying on furniture and <a class="more-link" href="https://animalbridges.com/cat-issues-with-litter-box-6-tips-to-keep-a-cat-happy/">Read More ...</a></p> <p>The post <a href="https://animalbridges.com/cat-issues-with-litter-box-6-tips-to-keep-a-cat-happy/">Cat Issues with Litter Box? 6 Tips to Keep a Cat Happy</a> appeared first on <a href="https://animalbridges.com">Prescott, AZ Animal Communicator | Animal & People Bridges</a>.</p> <div class='yarpp yarpp-related yarpp-related-rss yarpp-template-list'> <!-- YARPP List --> <h3>Related posts:</h3><ol> <li><a href="https://animalbridges.com/cat-issues-upsetting-pet-parent-testimonial/" rel="bookmark" title="Cat Issues Upsetting Pet Parent – Testimonial">Cat Issues Upsetting Pet Parent – Testimonial</a></li> <li><a href="https://animalbridges.com/cat-peeing-problem-resolved-with-animal-communication/" rel="bookmark" title="Cat Peeing Problem Resolved With Animal Communication">Cat Peeing Problem Resolved With Animal Communication</a></li> <li><a href="https://animalbridges.com/help-me-with-my-cat-a-request-for-animal-communications/" rel="bookmark" title="“Help Me with My Cat,” A Request for Animal Communications">“Help Me with My Cat,” A Request for Animal Communications</a></li> </ol> </div> ]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<h3>Cat issues with litter box? Is your cat being creative where she is going? Is he spraying on furniture and the walls? You are not alone!</h3> <h3>The biggest issue for cat pet parents is litter boxes and a cat not using it. Suddenly your cat is spraying outside the box or not even getting close. What do you do?</h3> <h3>One of Animal Bridges’ clients had this issue. The cat was no longer using the litter box. She didn’t know what to do. When she called, we went through the “Cat Litter Box Check List.”</h3> <p><span id="more-2365"></span></p> <h2 style="text-align: center;"><strong>Cat Litter Box Check List </strong></h2> <ol> <li style="text-align: left;">Clean the litter box daily. <strong>TIP: Keep scooper next to box and use often</strong>. Why? Cats are really picky and won’t go in a dirty litter box.</li> <li style="text-align: left;">Has the type of litter changed recently? Cats don’t care if the litter is on sale or scented. <strong>TIP: If it works, keep it.</strong> Why: Cats don’t like change.</li> <li style="text-align: left;">Is the litter box in a quiet, private area?<strong> TIP: If the box is in the basement or utility room, have it in a quiet area – not next to the furnace or water heater.</strong> Why: Cats don’t like scary sounds</li> <li style="text-align: left;">Location, location, location. Does your cat live in a multi-level home?<strong> TIP: Put a litter box on each level.</strong> Why: Who wants to go up or downstairs when the urge calls?</li> <li style="text-align: left;">Important Cat Math for pet parents to learn. <strong>TIP: Number of cats + 1 = number of litter boxes in house.</strong> Why: Cats love privacy. Don’t you?</li> <li style="text-align: left;">Does the cat have a medical issue? Please take the cat to the veterinarian to be sure there is no medical problems. <strong>TIP: If not medical problem, it’s a behavior issue.</strong></li> </ol> <h2 style="text-align: center;"><strong>Here is what we discovered as we talked.</strong></h2> <ul> <li>The litter box was usually cleaned daily except one weekend when they were out of town. Hmmm – the cat was sending a message.</li> <li> Someone in the family wanted to save money and the litter was changed to a cheaper brand. Opps!</li> <li>The litter box was in the basement by the furnace. They moved into the new house during the summer and the cat was happy with the box. Then the outside temperatures dropped and the cat was afraid of this “monster in the corner” (the furnace) making noises.</li> <li>The new house had many floors and only one litter box in the basement. Hmmmm.</li> <li>The pet parent hadn’t studied Cat Math. Cat Math says 1 cat + 1 = 2 litter boxes. The cat wanted to have options.</li> <li>The veterinarian said, “She is healthy. It is a behavior issue.”</li> </ul> <p>After fixing all the problems, <strong>the cat issues with litter box was gone. The cat was using the litter box again!</strong></p> <p><strong>Do you have a cat with not using the litter box? <a href="http://bitly.com/17KG0qa" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Sign up</a> </strong>for a<strong> free 15-minute phone or Skype consultation.</strong></p> <p>The post <a href="https://animalbridges.com/cat-issues-with-litter-box-6-tips-to-keep-a-cat-happy/">Cat Issues with Litter Box? 6 Tips to Keep a Cat Happy</a> appeared first on <a href="https://animalbridges.com">Prescott, AZ Animal Communicator | Animal & People Bridges</a>.</p> <div class='yarpp yarpp-related yarpp-related-rss yarpp-template-list'> <!-- YARPP List --> <h3>Related posts:</h3><ol> <li><a href="https://animalbridges.com/cat-issues-upsetting-pet-parent-testimonial/" rel="bookmark" title="Cat Issues Upsetting Pet Parent – Testimonial">Cat Issues Upsetting Pet Parent – Testimonial</a></li> <li><a href="https://animalbridges.com/cat-peeing-problem-resolved-with-animal-communication/" rel="bookmark" title="Cat Peeing Problem Resolved With Animal Communication">Cat Peeing Problem Resolved With Animal Communication</a></li> <li><a href="https://animalbridges.com/help-me-with-my-cat-a-request-for-animal-communications/" rel="bookmark" title="“Help Me with My Cat,” A Request for Animal Communications">“Help Me with My Cat,” A Request for Animal Communications</a></li> </ol> </div> ]]></content:encoded> <wfw:commentRss>https://animalbridges.com/cat-issues-with-litter-box-6-tips-to-keep-a-cat-happy/feed/</wfw:commentRss> <slash:comments>2</slash:comments> <post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">2365</post-id> </item> </channel> </rss>